Vortex Flow Meters

Vortex flow meters are based on Karman's law which studies and codifies the formation of vortices in moving fluids.
The vortices are caused by a suitable shaped body installed in the pipe; it is therefore a phenomenon generated by the fluid itself and is theoretically linear with the speed of the fluid in a turbulent flow regime (Re>10000).

The Vortex flow meter is suitable for liquids and gases in pipes of limited dimensions and is not suitable for viscous fluids for which fluid filtration is required.

How does flow measurement using vortex instruments work?

The operating principle of these meters is based on Karman's law which studied the formation of vortices in moving fluids. The vortices are caused by a suitable shaped body installed in the pipe; it is therefore a phenomenon generated by the fluid itself and is theoretically linear with the speed of the fluid in an absolutely turbulent flow regime.

What are the limits of use of a Vortex Flow Meter?

These meters are used in clean, low-viscosity fluids and, depending on the method of detecting the signal generated by the vortices, also in high-pressure steam applications.

What are the advantages of using a Vortex Flow Meter?

These flow meters offer good precision, have low pressure drops and a high working range (15:1).